The Lady Line Dancers

Old Bones

Wall Count: 1
Step Count: 64

Old Bones – George Burns

1-8: Box step right (step right to side, left together, step back right, left together, step left to side, right together, step forward left, right together)

9-16: Repeat steps 1-8

17-20: Walk forward right, left, right left

21-24: Walk back left, right, left, right

25-32: Repeat steps 17-24

33-36: Grapevine right

37-40: Grapevine left

41-48: Repeat steps 33-40

49-52: Step right to side with 1/4 turn right, scuff left, step left forward with 1/4 turn right, scuff right

53-56: Repeat steps 49-52

57-60: Step right to side and sway arms and hips right (57-58), sway arms and hips left (59-60)

61-64: Sway arms and hips right (61-62), sway arms and hips left (63-64)